Articles about Bullmastiffs. Posted by
There are many reasons for a dog to be aggressive. If you have noticed that your dog has been aggressive lately you'd better to find a reason and solve a problem before it gets worse.
These are main types of aggression:
Agonistic aggression
Barrier frustration aggression
Competitive aggression
Displaced aggression
Dominance aggression
Drug-induced aggression
Encephalopathic aggression
Fear-induced aggression
Food Guarding.
Wrong socialization
Intra-sex aggression
Maternal protective aggression
Owner protective aggression
If you have found the factor that caused aggression of your dog and you have tried to deal with it and failed then it is highly important to ask help of a professional trainer or vet. Experts in this matter will always give you recommendations and instructions how to act in this or that situation.
Bullmastiff and aggression. Types of aggression. - READ MORE!